
About RCOY

RCOY stands for Regional Conference of Youth which is the regional conference by YOUNGO (the Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC) to collect the ideas and voice of the youth to be carried forward to UNFCCC COP.
RCOYs are organized prior to the Global Conference of the Youth (GCOY), and after the Local Conferences of Youth (LCOY) in order to localize the climate conversation, bring youth voices together and drive climate action in each region of the world.

RCOY stands for Regional Conference of Youth which is the regional conference by YOUNGO (the Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC) to collect the ideas and voice of the youth to be carried forward to UNFCCC COP.
RCOYs are organized prior to the Global Conference of the Youth (GCOY), and after the Local Conferences of Youth (LCOY) in order to localize the climate conversation, bring youth voices together and drive climate action in each region of the world.

About Arab Youth Forum

Arab Youth Forum (AYF) is an event organized by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Arab States and was first held in 2018. AYF is a platform for young people in the Arab region to engage in dialogue and debate on issues that are important to them, and to develop solutions to regional challenges and opportunities. It provides a space for young people to have their voices heard and to make their contributions to the development of their countries and the region. Also, it helps to build networks and solidarity among young people from different countries and backgrounds.

About the Organizers & Partners

Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth, Sultanate of Oman

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth in Oman is working to provide a wide range of services and opportunities for the country's cultural, sports and youth communities. The Ministry is committed to promoting Omani culture and identity, and to connecting Oman to the world through culture and sports. The Ministry is also working to improve the quality of its services and to make them more accessible to the public.

United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Their mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.
UNFPA promotes gender equality and empower women, girls and young people to take control of their bodies and their futures. They work with partners in more than 150 countries to provide access to a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services. UNFPA’s goal is ending unmet need for family planning, preventable maternal death, and gender-based violence and harmful practices including child marriage and female genital mutilation by 2030

Act Sustainable

Act Sustainable (ACT.S) is a youth-led social enterprise based in Egypt. Their mission is to build a future that is sustainable for everyone. They aim to create a world where individuals and communities make sustainability a priority and incorporate it into all aspects of decisionmaking.
ACT.S played a crucial role in the international and regional climate movement by being the one of the co-hosts of COY 17 in Egypt and the first-ever organization to host RCOY in the MENA region in 2022 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
ACT.S played a crucial role in the international and regional climate movement by being the one of the co-hosts of COY 17 in Egypt and the first-ever organization to host RCOY in the MENA region in 2022 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

ACT.S doesn’t lead the international and regional climate movement only but also the local one every year by hosting LCOY Egypt and fueling the drive of the Egyptian Youth to a sustainable green Egypt. Act Sustainable believes in empowering young people and advocating for cooperative, creative, and communitycentered approaches to tackle global sustainability issues.

Basmetna Gheir

Basmetna Gheir is a youth-led volunteer group based in Sultanate of Oman which is working in the field of environmental volunteering. It was established in February 2014 by a group of young Omani individuals from both genders who shared a love for the environment and a passion for caring for it.
Locally, they drive the climate action in their country through diverse environmental activities and by hosting LCOY Oman.
The team aims to preserve the environment and spread the message of enhancing environmental volunteering in accordance with policies, regulations, and laws that ensure environmental conservation.
Additionally, the team seeks to find appropriate solutions for prominent environmental issues.

Youthinkgreen Egypt

Youthinkgreen Egypt (ytg), established in 2013 in Egypt, is a consulting organization dedicated to promoting sustainable development in various communities.
They achieve this by implementing practical nonformal education, consulting, and entrepreneurship programs.
Youthinkgreen aims to expand the reach of sustainability innovations with the assistance and guidance of both private and public stakeholders. Youthinkgreen joined forces with different organizations to do its insightful role in leading the youth globally in climate action by co-hosting COY 17 in 2022 in Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt.
They provide a comprehensive and impactful experience for their partners and beneficiaries, contributing to their sustainability efforts, commitments, and achievements.


YOUNGO is the official Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC and RCOY is endorsed by it. It consists of many youth-led organizations, groups, delegations, and individuals working in climate change-related fields.
YOUNGO is organized in different Working Groups that focus on different aspects of the UNFCCC negotiations and beyond, and work to ensure that perspectives of young and future generations are taken into account in the international decision-making processes. Besides that, YOUNGO members observe and report on climate negotiations and the implications of their outcomes.
YOUNGO is by youth, with youth, for youth.

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